
Multifaith calendar!!!

None to be offended, none to be forgotten!!


Anonymous said...

Hi David, I'm guridis
I love a day in this calendar: Saint Patrick's Day!
I like beer, but good beer, not drink a lot of it for having a drunk night.

migue said...

this blog is die. anybody says anything. it is boring. david, please say anything. i dont mind what about, but guridis and migue are the only people that are talking, and my english is a bit short.

Ángel said...

This is my first message in your blog, although i don´t know that said us.
I hope that tomorrow we have got class if David won´t be ill.
The next unit is about "advertisemet".
Next week we´ll have an english exam, i´m very nervous.
See you tomorrow.

david polo said...

Dear AFIM, so far (12.o5 pm, wed. 10th) I'm feeling ok!) so hope to see you there, by the way WHO r u??

migue said...

its better, i like the blog to talk every day a little. and now we have a new person. hi afim. i would like that you dont say to david who are you and by the way david would be puzzled o wondering

david polo said...

sorry migue, I foun out yesterday who afim is, he's a classmate from 2º in the first sessión. you cannot puzle me so easily.jajaj
yesterday we missed you in class